
Has your hair been on the dry side lately? Have you noticed breakage or thinning? Well, you my friend need to give the Liquid-Oil-Cream (LOC) method a try. Many mistake the LOC method for dreadlocks, but LOC is a method used to seal moisture inside the hair shaft.  Don’t be afraid my curl friends, this method is an essential that every individual should use to prepare for the cool weather.


The acronym for the LOC method is defined below:

L -Liquid. In order for your hair to be moisturized there has to be some sort of liquid substance. Look for products that have water as the first ingredient, such as leave-in conditioners. If you don’t have a store bought product, you can always use tap water.

O– Oil. Oil is used after liquid to seal in the moisture from the first step. Natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil work to penetrate the hair shaft and help condition the hair.

 C– Cream.  Any cream based moisturizer will work for the last step. This acts as a seal enforcer to the oil that you applied in the previous step.  Examples of cream-based moisturizers are curl creams, shea butter, or mango butter.


By: Dalecia Carr

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