Shakieviea Gilchrist 

Photo Manager 

February 14th has to be the most dreaded holiday of the year for us single folks!

All of the stores are covered in heart shaped balloons, chocolate-covered strawberries, candy hearts, and even the air is infected with love!

Everywhere you go people are hugging, smooching, and spreading more of the love infection. Us single “free-birds” are definitely not jealous of those who are love-struck, those whose eyes glimmer when they see their significant other, and who receive tons and tons of chocolate on Valentine’s Day.

Well, maybe just a little jealous, but we’ve learned to deal, because no matter how much love is in the air, we can’t seem to catch anything.

Some of us might say that we are better off that way, but then we spend Valentine’s Day miserably watching romantic comedies, eating an entire tub of rocky road ice cream, and wishing we’d be struck by Cupid’s arrow.

Don’t be that person! Don’t be miserable! Use this day to your advantage! Have some fun! Who needs a significant other anyway when you have awesome friends?! Here are a couple of suggestions to help you get your face out of the tub of rocky road:

• Go out to eat with your friends. Appreciate each other for being the good friends you’ve always been.

• Low on cash? Have a night in! Plus the restaurants are probably full with lovebirds. Wouldn’t it be better to have some laughs with friends instead? And all free!

• Enjoy you! Take yourself shopping, enjoy a nice, hot bath, or go to a spa!

Let’s redefine Valentine’s Day! No more wiping a combination of tears and chocolate smears off your cheeks! Friends always make everything better! Enjoy yourself and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

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