What’s Up with the Vaccinations?

Emily Newton


It’s no secret that there’s been a lot in the news about vaccinations and children.


So, what’s real and what’s a myth? First off, it’s a fact that the more people who are immunized equate to less outbreak of a disease. And, it’s also a fact that less immunization equates to greater outbreaks. This is how the measles and California’s whooping cough ended up making a comeback- people just weren’t immunizing their children. But, why?

First off, religious exemption and personal beliefs are the 2 reasons (legally) why people can opt not to vaccinate. However, with the recent outbreaks, legal considerations are being reexamined. In 2015, 19 states have addressed each of these exemptions with new legislation.

So, the big question on many peoples’ minds: “What a


bout the link between autism and vaccines?” Well, to address this simply, there was a study published 16 years ago in a medical journal titled The Lancet by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in which Dr. Wakefield “discovered” a link between vaccines and autism. Long story short…after major mistrust in vaccines, after many deaths, and after millions were spent to verify this link… it was found that Dr. Andrew Wakefield made it all up. See the images shown for a better explanation.

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