Translations for the Spanish Section

Translations for Pages 16 & 17 of the Oct 30th Issue

October: The Month of Pink

Everyone in the United States wear pink. Why? Each year, more people are diagnosed and every year more people are surviving breast cancer. Unfortunately, breast cancer has no cure. It is very important to know the symptoms , signs, and appropriate screening tests. All of these reasons lead- pink to celebrate Breast Cancer Month.

Experts from the American Cancer Society say women who are forty or more need be screened every year. The name of this test is mammography. Mammograms use low-dose X-rays to see the breast and help detect abnormal cells. The radiologist is the doctor who “read” images. They seek new patterns, changes in breast tissue and decide what else looks abnormal . It is important that women have a mammogram every year to compare the degree and rate of change of any abnormality. If a patient has not had a mammogram before and has abnormalities , the doctor does not know how fast the abnormal cells are growing. Now mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer , although not a perfect method.

The problem with mammograms is that there is a “sign of cancer ” defined . Radiologists are trained for many years to identify patterns of cancer, but it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based solely on impressions . Sometimes , the radiologist can see only abnormal cells and abnormal growths. Sometimes, cancer cells are found but often are benign (noncancerous ) and calcium deposits in tissue. When the images are not clear , doctors ask for a biopsy. Biopsies in a sample of breast tissue ( abnormal cells ) and a pathologist looks under the microscope. Following biopsy, is not clear whether they are cancer cells or not. The decision to order a biopsy varies. Some doctors ask for them more than others. Biopsies are good to rule out or diagnose cancer but not easy emotionally to women. The fact is that it is very important to understand the evidence and hacérselas each year to achieve early detection.

Breast cancer is a condition that affects women of all ethnicities but is a concern especially for Hispanic women. According to the American Cancer Society, Hispanic women have one of every eleven chances to have breast cancer and it is the most common cancer among Hispanic women. In 2009, there were 14,200 new cancer cases and 28 % of these cases were breast cancer . That year there were 2,200 deaths. Hispanic women are 20 % more likely to die from breast cancer than women who are not Hispanic but are diagnosed at the same age and in similar stages. Also, women are not a mammogram every year, especially Hispanic women at high risk of developing and dying from breast cancer. In 2005 , 68.1% of non- Hispanic women had forty or more mammograms had been made in the last two years and only 59.6 % of Hispanic women had mammograms in the past two years. Why? From 2005-2007, 40 % of Hispanic women did not have a high school education compared to only 11 % of non – Hispanic. Also, 22 % of these Hispanic women living in poverty compared to only 9 % of non-Hispanics. Education and health insurance are important reasons why Hispanic women do not get mammograms . It is the goal of American society breast cancer that all women are survivors.

The number of women who have mammograms increases every year. Now, there are 2.8 million survivors of breast cancer in the United States. A healthy diet, a healthy weight and help breastfeeding not develop breast cancer. However, the most important is a mammogram. Now, in 2013, the probability of breast cancer is responsible for the death of women is only 3%. This is because more women have mammograms because early detection is no more because there is more awareness of the problem, and mainly it’s because we all wear the color pink . October- the month of pink awareness month, the month of the survivors.

By: Emily Newton


What does ” Columbus Day” mean to you?
On October 12 in most English-speaking world is celebrating ” Columbus Day. ” ” Columbus Day” honors Christopher Columbus’ voyage to India and the accidental discovery of the Americas in 1492. Here in the United States, ” Columbus Day” is a day that we celebrate in the traditional sense of a holiday. In fact , interviews with students on campus, most students did not know the meaning of ” Columbus Day” aside from the fact that Columbus discovered the Americas . However, ” Columbus Day ” has a very different meaning in the Spanish-speaking world .
” The American ” Columbus discovered it really was not North America. When Christopher Columbus made ​​his trip to India and by accident , he discovered the New World , Columbus initially landed in the Caribbean Islands and then in their next trips , came to Central America and South America. There, Columbus and the Spanish encountered the indigenous people of the area as the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Incas , the Tupi and the Tainos ( Arawaks ) . This meeting marked the birth of Hispanic ethnicity . For this reason, the Spanish-speaking world celebrates the ” Day of the Race . ”
For people, the Hispanic Columbus Day has a deeper meaning that ” Columbus Day” in the English-speaking world , especially in the United States. According to several students , in the United States, celebrations are held in school because there is no fundamental importance at home or , really , out of a history class. Its meaning is so minimal in this country that many districts and schools do not observe “Columbus Day”. In Hispanic communities across the United States, also in Central and South America , families and communities have varied festivities to celebrate the” Hispanic.”
Due to the existence of large numbers of Hispanics in cities Raeford , Sanford , St. Pauls , Hope Mills and Fayetteville , there is a festival of ” Columbus Day ” each year in the supermarket Compare located on Fayetteville Street in Morganton . There, hundreds of people from various Latin American countries gather under one banner: the flag of the Hispanic . Everyone is there to honor their ancestors and heritage, but more importantly, as a respondent whose name is Andrés González , “… to recognize the birth of my people …”- Hispanic people.

By: Andrew Green

The Halloween : is it good or bad?

In its Celtic origins of Halloween began as the festival of Samhain , the god of the dead. On October 31 , the spirits of the dead walk the earth , visiting their loved ones , seeking eternal rest , or cause problems. These spirits can destroy crops , announce future marriages , illnesses, and even the dead. The people were welcoming these spirits with meals and refreshments , fire, or sculptures with scary faces , lit to ward off the spirits. In the 1820s, Irish Catholics living in North America, celebrated the feast of All Saints . In preparation for this celebration , girls cut apples, walnuts prepared cooked , watching the mirrors , and playing with fire to see if they would marry . Also, cut pumpkins and placed them inside a candle to light your way when they went from house to house . These girls were dressed in secular clothes and went from house to house to hand out leaflets . Later on October 31 , the boys walked around the neighborhood looking for fun . On November , farmers awoke to find his things broken and the animals had been moved to different pastures . In the South , people associated the Halloween with witchcraft , spells and the dead . They celebrated the Day of the Dead to bring food, drinks , flowers and candles to the graves of their dead at midnight on the first of November and remained there until the sun rose the next morning . Finally , and in 1920 , children went from house to house asking for candy. In the twentieth century, Halloween was not a bad conclusion . Allentown , Pennsylvania, held its first annual Halloween parade . In 1921 Anoka , Minnesota , the first festival was held for the entire city . It seems that by this time the Halloween hbia finally found their nationality. After asking the question “Do you believe that Halloween is right or wrong and why? ” in Facebook , many agreed that Halloween is not good nor bad. Halloween is what people do . Ciloe Cameron Bates states that ” It is the best party ever . ‘s The only day in which children learn the meaning of hard work, social skills , competition and strategy. ‘s Say that we quickly learn the techniques to get the maximum amount sweet , that means getting the most benefit . identify the areas with the best rewards , saving time, which means they learn the value of saving time. finally , inspect the merchandise and not recognized in what places you can visit during this ” holiday .” this is preparing you , in a way, for the future … ” .
In conclusion , the opinion you have of Halloween depends on each person . Personally, I love dressing up with my family and eat sweets.

By: Tanea Murphy