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For the love of Ramen: Ichi Kaku: Where Yoshi Express used to be, now stands the new ramen spot
A Guide on Managing Your Time in College: College can be so draining: from the classes to your social life
But I Thought It Was My Body? Women’s Fight for Sexual and Reproductive Rights: DorMiya Vance, EIC The women of the United States have dealt with
Blind Eyes and Crooked Smiles to Police Brutality in the Black Community.: America has turned a blind eye to the issues plaguing the country,
Lack of Gun Control Places Disparities in the Black Community: “Known as ‘permitless carry’ or ‘constitutional carry’ legislation, the bills have been
Number of Homeless Cumberland County Families Continues to Increase: The COVID-19 pandemic effects are still being felt as the number of
Fayetteville City Council Motions to Change Paid Parking: After petitions from Downtown business owners, the Fayetteville City County voted 6-4
Governor Cooper Proclaims North Carolina Center of College Basketball Universe : On March 31, two days ahead of the Final Four Men’s Basketball
Let’s Get pHortified! : On April 2, pHortified Skin and Hair Studio had their official Grand
Can’t Buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X? Biden Now Investigating Cause : If you are part of the lucky 12 million people who has